Start with the advanced Chinese Salutation. Once you come back to a neutral stance in a chamber position, bring the right hand open over the left (Right hand is open in a ridge hand). The opponent throws a left & right punch combination, twice, bring the right hand up, block the left punch with the ridge hand, bring it down over the left fist, blocking the right punch bring it back up, to block another left punch, then down to block another right punch. Immediately after the second right punch, turn the hand so the ridge hand is facing away from you, hook underneath his arm, drive it into a willow palm strike to the bridge of the nose. Two tension palms the same way.

 On the third palm, do a dart eye shot with the index finger tear the eye three times. Turn your hand inverted, so you are looking at the back of your fist. Pull the eye out to the left shoulder. Change the hands to the right, the left hand is now open over the right. The man is throwing a right left combination twice.

 Block the first punch with an up motion with the left hand, then down over the right fist to block the left punch. Repeat. Invert the hand so the ridge hand is facing away from you, circle around to a willow palm strike to the bridge of the nose. Two tension palms, on the third, do a dart eye shot. Shred the optic nerve, pull the eyeball back into your right shoulder.

As you chamber with your left hand, do a reverse punch with the right to the solar plexus, roll a backfist to the clavicle, then chamber the right. Left reverse punch solar plexus, backfist to the clavicle, chamber. Step to the right horse stance, as you step do double upper cuts to the jaw of the opponent in front of you. The arms extend out to double elbows to the sides, hands extend out to double side palms. Do double wrap around and break to the front with the hands in a willow palm. Do double willow palms, twice with tension. Grab the opponents shoulders with both hands. As you pull the man towards you, drop to a deep horse. Slap the chest and inside of the thighs. Drive double dart eye shots forward. Shred the optic nerves. As you retract the hands, they go to the left side, the left hand does a hammer fist straight out as the right hand is closed against the left shoulder.

From this position, extend the right hand out to the right side (the hand is still closed). Drop the hands in front of your groin to do an X block to a kick. Roll the hands up, repeat the X block this time for an overhead club. Roll the hands down and chamber. Do double spear hands to the opponent straight ahead of you. Turn hard bow to the left, do double tiger claw to the eyes and groin, turn to a horse as you do an upward block with the right. Turn hard bow to the right, do double tiger claw to the eyes and groin of the opponent on the right.

Turn back to a horse, do a right tiger claw rake to the eyes straight ahead, left tiger claw rake, right then left again, roll the hands to a chamber position.

To a 45 degree angle to the right, do a right chicken snap kick. Land with the right leg forward in a hard bow. Left palm down to block a kick to the groin, circle a willow palm to the nose. Do double tension willow palms with the left, then do a left dart eye shot, shred the optic nerve, grab the eye. Pull the eye out as you turn to a horse, at the same time do a right outward block on the outside of the left arm. Turn hard bow to the right, left reverse punch. Turn back to the horse. (The opponent throws two kicks at your groin) Do a left inverted hand slap to block the first kick, then do a parry to block the second. Inverted tiger claw and grab to the groin.

Do a left chicken snap kick to the left front corner, land in a hard bow, with the left side forward. Right palm down to block a kick to the groin, circle willow palm to the nose. Do double willow palms with tension to the corner, right dart eye shot. Shred the optic nerve, grab the eye and pull out as you turn to a horse. Do an outward block on the outside of the right arm. Turn hard bow to the left, right reverse punch to the solar plexus. Turn to a horse. Do an inverted hand slap to block a kick to the groin. (Block is done with the right). Do a parry to block the second kick. Inverted tiger claw and grab to the groin.

Do double chicken snap kicks straight ahead. Land in a hard bow with the right leg forward. Do double dart eye shots. Grab the eyes, slide the right foot back to the left as you pull the opponent into a head butt.

Step out left horse right parry then left outward, turn hard bow to the left, right reverse punch to the left. Step right leg through to a horse right hand circles overhead as you step, right chop to the neck. Turn hard bow to the right, the right hand drops to a palm to the opponents ribs as the left does an upward open hand parry. Dancer the left behind the right to the same direction as you do a right head smash. Turn to a horse.

Shuffle to the right as you do a left parry, right outward block. Turn hard bow to the right, do a left reverse punch. Step left leg through to a horse stance, the left arm circles overhead as you step. Left chop to the neck. Turn hard bow to the left, the left hand drops to a palm to the opponent's ribs, as the right hand circles to an upward open hand parry. Turn to a horse, then dancer left away and turn to a horse. As you dancer away the right hand drops down and circles around the left. Cat the right foot to the left as the hands are held in front of the center line, right arm is high and the left is low (The hands are closed).

Step out with the right foot to a horse, do a right side fist. Turn soft bow to the right, left reverse punch. Turn to a horse and drop lower, right side fist to the bladder. Jump into the air, replacing the right foot with the left. Your left hand stays low and open, circle your right arm overhead into a bear paw to the palm side of your open left hand. Do this as you land in a soft bow.

Jump up and spin, so the right leg is closest to the beginning direction. Left foot lands, then the right in a soft bow (you're facing away from the beginning direction). Right hammer fist to the groin, left open hand cover. Turn hard bow to the right as your left foot adjusts over for balance. Do a left L punch. Step forward with the left hard bow, do a butterfly palm to the jaw. Dancer back with the left to as the hands circle around, cat the right foot back to the left, the hands are open in front of the center line area (Right hand is held high and the left is low).

Left parry and right kung fu wrist hook to a right punch, dancer the right foot back and turn to a hard bow to the right. Do a left palm down to the opponents elbow. Turn hard bow to the left, right head smash. Right parry and left kung fu wrist to the left punch coming in. Dancer back with the left and turn to a hard bow to the left. Do a right palm down against the opponents elbow. Turn hard bow to the right, right head smash. Chamber the hands, cross the right foot over the left, step the left into a neutral, step out with the right into a deep horse stance facing the beginning position.

End of the Tiger.



From the square horse, hands chambered, do a right down palm in front of your groin to block a kick. Right kung fu wrist hook to block a right punch. Turn hard bow to the right as you do a left down palm on top of the opponent's elbow. Circle the left arm to a willow palm to the bridge of the nose. Step up left to a hard bow, right reverse punch to the face. Circle the right arm overhead, at the same time the left arm does an upward block you do a right inverted punch to the jaw.

The left foot drops back to the left rear corner, then cat the right foot to the left. Right crane beak to the eye, left crane beak to the same direction as the right foot drops back, left foot cats to the right. Drop the left foot back then crane the right leg up. As the right leg raises up, hit the right thigh with both palms, hold them straight out to the sides in a white crane stance. In front of your center line do three crane beaks toward the floor, starting right-left-right. Step out right to the right front corner to a soft bow, left crane beak to the eye. Shuffle left foot to the left front corner to a soft bow, right crane beak. Chamber the hands on the right hip as you turn to a horse.

Adjust the left foot slightly back, turn hard bow to the left, right L punch. Chamber the hands on the left hop. Readjust the right foot slightly back, turn hard bow to the right, left L punch. Right parry, left kung fu wrist hook, the right hand guides the opponent's left elbow as you cross the right leg over the left into a hidden foot (dancer) step, to the left front corner. As you cross, the right arm circles over head, then once you have set, break the opponent's arm across your right knee. Step the left leg up to a neutral stance.

Step to the right horse, U punch to the left. The right arm turns into an upward block, left upper cut to the jaw. The right arm circles around into an upward X block, as the left foot steps over the right foot with the feet side by side. Uncross the feet by stepping right to a neutral stance. Drop the right leg back to a hard bow. The hands do double hammerfists to the rear. Adjust the left foot 90 degrees to the left as your right foot adjusts 90 degrees forward to a left hard bow. Do a left outward block at the same time you do a right downward block.

Turn hard bow to the right, the left willow palm circles down in front of the groin, do a left willow palm to the bridge of the nose. Step up left hard bow, right reverse punch. Step up right hard bow, left reverse punch. Step up left to a horse then cat the right foot to the left as you do a right four knuckle rake to the right front corner. Your right hand turns into an upward block. Step right foot to the corner to a soft bow, left inverted punch to the jaw. Turn to a hard bow to the left, right reverse punch. The opponent takes a left snap kick low. Do a right parry next to your leg as you do a right snap-side kick combination to the right knee and groin without setting the leg down in-between the kicks. Set forward with the right foot then step forward with the left to a soft bow. The arms circle overhead as you step. Do double palms to the stomach.

Turn hard bow to the right, left reverse punch. Do a left downward parry next to the your leg to block the opponent's right low snap kick. Do a left snap-side kick combination to the left knee and groin without setting the leg down in-between the kicks. Set forward with the left foot then step forward with the right to a soft bow. The arms circle overhead as you step. Do double palms to the stomach.

The opponent takes a right punch. Do a left parry, right kung fu wrist hook. Turn soft bow to the right, guide the arm to the right. Right parry, left kung fu wrist hook. Cross the right foot over the left into a hidden foot (dancer step to the left front corner). Break the opponent's elbow over your right knee. Step out left to the left front corner to a horse stance. Do double outward blocks then double backfists. Right crane beak to the front, left crane beak to the front. Adjust the right foot forward to a horse, right crane beak to the front, right crane beak to the left. Left hammerfist to the groin of the opponent behind you. Step through right foot to the left to a horse, left hammerfist to the groin. Chamber the hands.

(You are facing away from the original starting position, you will spin three times) Step right foot 90 degrees up to a horse stance, dancer the left behind the right turn to a horse stance. Step right through to a horse, dancer left behind the right, turn to a horse. Step right through to a horse, dancer left behind the right turn to a horse. Step right through to a soft bow facing the starting position. Right hammerfist to the groin. Do a right snap kick straight ahead, then followed by a right chicken snap kick.

Set in right horse sideways to the starting position. Right head smash, right hammerfist to the groin, left half fist to the front, right half fist to the front, left half fist, right half fist. Do a right parry, left kung fu wrist hook to the opponent's right punch. Cross the right over the left to a hidden foot, circle the right arm overhead and break the opponent's arm over your right knee. Turn to a horse facing the opposite direction.

Do a double outward block, double backfists. Step up 90 degrees with the right to a horse, right inward block. Right dancer behind the left, turn to a horse, U punch to the left. Pivot to the right to a hidden foot, the arms circle overhead to chamber on the right hip. Left upward block, right inverted punch to the jaw. Step through left straight ahead to another hidden foot, the arms circle overhead to chamber on the left hip. Right upward block, left uppercut punch to the jaw. Step through right to a hidden foot, the arms circle overhead to chamber on the right hip. Left upward block, right uppercut to the jaw.

Right parry, left kung fu wrist hook to the opponent's right punch, pivot the right around the front of the left 180 degrees to another hidden foot, break the opponent's arm across the right knee. Step up left to a neutral stance, angled to the left front corner. Step to the right front corner to a hard bow, butterfly palms to the jaw. Cat the left foot to the right as you turn to face the opposite direction. Step left through to the right rear corner to a hard bow, butterfly palms to the jaw. Cat the right foot to the left as you pivot to face the starting position. The hands are up in front of the center line area. The hands are open.

Do a right snap kick straight ahead, followed by a right chicken snap kick. Set forward right in a hard bow, double dart eye shots. Grab the eyes, step back right to a neutral stance. Pull the opponent into a head butt. Step to the right to a horse, right parry, left outward block to the punch which is coming from the left. Turn hard bow to the right, left palm down to block a kick to the groin. Roll the left hand to a willow palm to the nose. Step up left hard bow, right reverse punch. Step up right hard bow, left reverse punch. Pivot the left leg around the outside of the right leg to a soft bow facing the opposite direction. Do a left hammerfist to the opponent's groin, right hand covers the face.

Turn to a cat stance facing the original starting position, do a double tiger claw to the eyes and groin of the opponent on the right. Do double tiger claw to the eyes and groin to the opponent on the left side. Continue to do third double tiger claw to the right side, but stop the arms in front of the center line. The arms separate as the right arm circles overhead, the left arm extends straight ahead. The right closed hand hits into the left open hand. Finish with the Advanced Chinese Salutation.

Kenpo Connection