Start facing the first opponent in a square horse stance. Hands are held in the weapon shield position.
1st Opponent - Right and Left Punch - Step up right horse, right inward block, chop. Step up left horse, left inward block, chop. Cat left foot to right.
2nd Opponent - Right Punch - Dancer left foot to the second opponent, turn hard bow, right L punch (Right punches as the left does an outward block at the same time). Cat right foot to the left.
3rd Opponent - Left Punch - Step right foot to the third opponent hard bow, left L punch. Cat left foot to right.
4th Opponent - Right Overhand Punch - Dancer left foot to the fourth opponent, turn hard bow, left upward block, right eagle beak rake to the ribs. Cat right foot to the left.
5th Opponent - Left Overhand Punch - Step right to the fifth opponent hard bow, right upward block, left eagle beak rake to the ribs. Cat left foot to the right.
6th Opponent - Right Snap Kick - Step left foot to the right rear corner to a horse, left down block, raise the block up into an open hand cover block, step right foot through to a horse in the same direction, right palm jaw. Cat right foot to the left.
7th Opponent - Left Snap Kick - Dancer the right foot to the left rear corner to a horse, right down block, raise the block into an open cover hand, step through left foot through to a horse in the same direction. Cat right foot to the left.
8th Opponent - Left and Right Punch - (As you cat to the left, the left hand goes immediately into the next block) Left inward block, step right foot to the right front corner to a horse, right upward block, turn hard bow to the right, left half fist to the throat. Cat left foot to the right.
9th Opponent - Right and Left Punch - Right inward block, step left foot to the left front corner to a horse stance, left upward block, turn hard bow to the left, right half fist to the throat.
Adjust the right foot slightly forward to a square horse stance, circle the right arm overhead and hit a sidefist into the open left hand. This is the ending salutation.