Start with the Advanced Chinese Salutation. Step up right horse stance, left reverse punch face, right inverted punch groin (U punch), readjust right foot to the right, right parry, turn hard bow to the right, left outward block to knock the opponent's arms away, left four finger eye shot, turn to horse, right reverse punch ribs, re-grab the left arm, right reverse punch face, right backfist to jaw as you slide the right foot to the left into a neutral stance. Step up left horse stance, right reverse punch face, left inverted punch groin, readjust left foot to the left, left parry, turn hard bow to the left, right outward block to knock the opponent's arms away, right four finger eye shot, turn to a horse, left reverse punch to the ribs, re-grab the right arm, left reverse punch to the face, left backfist to the jaw as you slide the left foot to a neutral stance.

Step to a right horse stance, double dart eye shots to the front, retract double elbows to break the bear hug, left C step, left elbow and right hammerfist to the chest and solar plexus, chamber. Left down palm in front of the groin, readjust left up to a horse stance, circle left arm up and back down to a palm, chamber, double willow palm break to the right side shoulder grab, chamber, double sidefist down in front of the groin, right small adjustment toward the left, double dart eye shot, right C step, right elbow and left hammerfist to chest and solar plexus, right palm down in front to the groin, readjust the right foot up to a horse stance, circle right arm up and back down to palm, chamber, double willow palm break to the left side arm grab, chamber, double sidefist down in front of the groin, left small adjustment toward the right, slide the left foot to the right to a neutral stance as the arms X out.

Flashing Daggers - 2 hand push - Step back right hard bow, double outward knife hand block, right chop to trap, left chop to throat, right spear hand to solar plexus, left inverted chop to groin, step up right to a neutral stance. Step back left hard bow, double outward knife hand block, left chop trap, right chop to throat, left spear hand to solar plexus, right inverted chop to the groin.

Bending the Limb - Wrist grab - Turn to a horse, counter grab your right wrist with your left hand, right dancer behind the left to a Chinese bow, pull opponent into a left elbow to the ribs and right four finger eye shot as you turn to a horse. Extend the left arm out, counter grab your left wrist with the right hand, left pressure to the wrist, left dancer behind the right to a Chinese bow, pull opponent into a right elbow and left four finger eye shot as you turn to a horse, step right foot back 90 degrees to a deep square horse stance.

Shoulder grabs - Circle the right arm down and to the back, bring it up and drive the elbow into the grab, right upper cut to the jaw, circle the left arm down and to the back, bring it up and drive the elbow into the grab, left uppercut to the jaw, right wrap around and hammer fist to the groin, left wrap around and hammerfist to the groin, double reverse wrap around and uppercuts, double wrap around and hammer fists.

Crossing Talon - Counter grab the opponent's right wrist. Step up left foot to front into a horse stance, left forearm pressure to the opponent's elbow and force down. Follow up with a left elbow to the temple and spine. Do a left dancer back 90 degrees to face the front. Counter grab the opponent's left wrist. Step up right foot to front into a horse stance, right forearm pressure to the opponent's elbow and force down. Follow up with a right elbow to the temple and spine. Do a right dancer back 90 degrees to face the front.

Crouching Falcon - Step right foot around to the left rear corner into a soft bow. Raise the hands between the opponent's arms, do double tiger claw rakes to the eyes, turn to a horse stance. Do a right vertical elbow to the jaw, left covers the ribs, right tiger claw to the eyes. Dancer the right leg to 3:00 into a horse stance. Step left foot around to the right rear corner into a soft bow. Raise the hands between the opponent's arms, do double tiger claw rakes to the eyes, turn to a horse stance. Do a left vertical elbow to the jaw, right covers the ribs, left tiger claw to the eyes. Dancer the left leg back to 9:00 into a horse stance.

Darting Serpent - Step right foot to the left front corner in a soft bow, raise both hands in between the arms, do double tiger claw rakes to the eyes, circle the arms around and do a double grab to the groin, rip out as you cat right leg back to left and do a double whipping backfist to kidneys. Step right foot to the left front corner into a soft bow as you do double dart eye shots. Knock both of the arms down with double smother blocks followed in a continuous motion by double corkscrews to the temples. Grab the head, and pull the opponent's face into the right knee. Set the right leg back to 3:00 into a horse stance. Step left foot to the right front corner in a soft bow, raise both hands in between the arms, do double tiger claw rakes to the eyes, circle the arms around and do a double grab to the groin, rip out as you cat left leg back to right and do a double whipping backfist to kidneys. Step left foot to the right front corner into a soft bow as you do double dart eye shots. Knock both of the arms down with double smother blocks followed in a continuous motion by double corkscrews to the temples. Grab the head, and pull the opponent's face into the left knee. Set the left leg back to 9:00 into a horse stance.

Silk Wind - Do a left stomp as you do a right grab groin, rip up into an elbow to the jaw and a right flip kick groin. Pin the left arm to your side. Step right leg around 180 degrees to 9:00 into a horse stance. Do a left dancer to 9:00 as your left hand counter grabs the left arm. Turn hard bow to face 9:00 as you do a right inverted punch to break elbow. Do a right stomp as you do a left grab groin, rip up into an elbow to the jaw and a left flip kick groin. Pin the right arm to your side. Step left leg around 180 degrees to 3:00 into a horse stance. Do a right dancer to 3:00 as your right hand counter grabs the right arm. Turn hard bow to face 3:00 as you do a right inverted punch to break elbow.

Double dart eye shots to the rear, double elbows to the rear, double hammerfists low to the rear. Fighting stance to the right, right side kick, set down horse, fighting stance to the left, left side kick, set forward in a hard bow facing the rear, do a left downward block at the same time the right hand does an outward block. Step back to a neutral stance. Step up right foot into a hard bow facing the rear, do a right downward block at the same time the left hand does an outward block. Step back right foot to a neutral stance.

Crossing the Lock - Both arms extend to the front, left hand opens, step up left to a horse stance, circle arms from left to right and strike the radial nerves in the wrist and hand, turn soft bow to left, left backfist and right inverted punch to the face and solar plexus. Step up to a neutral stance. Both arms extend to the front, right hand opens, step up right foot to a horse stance, circle arms from right to left and drive a left backfist and right chop to the radial nerves, turn soft bow to the right, right backfist and left inverted punch to the face and solar plexus. Step up left to neutral stance, as the hands extend through the middle and out overhead. Bow out using Advanced Chinese Salutation.

Kenpo Connection