Begin in a square horse stance.

Right dart eye shot, left dart eye shot to the front.
Right spear hand, left spear hand to the front.
Right inverted spear hand, left inverted spear hand to the front

Left elbow and right four finger eye shot to the left rear side.
Right elbow and left four finger eye shot to the right rear side.
Cross dart eye shot to the front.

Right back hand slap to the eye.
Left back hand slap to the eye.
Right back hand slap to the groin.
Left back hand slap to the groin.

Right inverted snakespit rake to the eye, right snakespit rake.
Left inverted snake spit rake to the eye, left snakespit rake.
Right inverted tiger claw rake to the eyes, right tiger claw rake.
Left inverted tiger claw rake to the eyes, left tiger claw rake.

Double tiger claw rake and clear.
Right tiger claw to the face in front, left tiger claw groin behind.
Left tiger claw face in front, right tiger claw groin behind.
Right palm groin in front, left palm groin behind.
Left palm groin in front, right palm groin behind.

Double tiger claw rake and clear to the front.
Right crane beak facing the left, left crane beak facing the right.

Roll hands to a chambered position.
Slide left foot to the right to a neutral stance.

Kenpo Connection