Bow in using the Advanced Chinese Salutation. Begin facing 12:00 in a neutral stance, hands chambered. Right inverted dart eye shot, circle right arm overhead and backward, right willow palm to the opponent behind you. The right arm continues to circle down and comes up in front, as it reaches slightly above head level, drop a tiger claw on to the face, the right arm circles around to the rear and does a right drop palm on top of the nose, side wrap around and break forward, two tension willow palms, then chamber. As the right hand chambers, the left arm does inverted dart eye shot, circle left arm overhead and backward, left willow palm to the opponent behind, the left arm continues to circle down and comes up in front, as it reaches slightly above head level, drop a tiger claw on the face, the left arm circles around to the rear and does a left drop palm to the nose, side wrap around and break forward, two tension willow palms, then chamber.

Right reverse punch to the solar plexus, roll backfist into the clavicle. Left reverse punch to the solar plexus, roll backfist into the clavicle. Downward "X" block to cover the groin as both heels slide out. Upward "X" block to cover the head as the toes point out, roll hands down into a chamber position as you drop to a horse stance. Double wrap around and break forward. Double willow palm with tension two times to the front, retract into double dart eye shot behind the head. Double elbows to the solar plexus, double dart eye shots behind the head again. Slap the inside of the wrists together and do a willow palm to the left side with tension, slap the wrists together, and willow to the right side, slap the wrists and willow to the left side.

Chamber on the right hip and left small adjustment back. Turn hard bow to the left, right L punch, step up right to a horse, turn hard bow to the right and left L punch, step up left to a horse, turn hard bow to the right and right L punch. Chamber on the left hip and right small adjustment back, turn hard bow to the right, left L punch, step up left horse, turn hard bow to the left, right L punch, step up right horse, turn bow to the right, left L punch, step up left horse stance, turn hard bow to the left, right L punch. Inverted grab to the front with the left hand, step up right horse stance facing the front, right reverse punch, step up left side horse, left side fist. Left inverted grab to the front, step up right horse facing the front, right reverse punch, step up left side horse, left side fist. Left inverted grab to the front, left dancer back to a horse facing the front, right reverse punch, step back right side horse, left side fist, left inverted grab to the front, dancer back left horse facing the front, right reverse punch. Left hook the neck, step up right side horse, right head smash, step up left horse facing front, left tension palm. Left hook neck step up right horse, right head smash, step up left horse, left tension palm. Left hook neck, dancer back left to a side horse, right head smash, step back right horse facing the front, left tension palm, left hook neck, step back left to a side horse, right head smash, step back right horse facing the front, left tension palm.

Cat left foot to the right, right parry and left outward block, turn the left arm into an upward block, step left foot to the left front corner to a soft bow, right uppercut to the jaw. Cat right foot to the left, step right foot to the right front corner to a soft bow, right upward block, left upper cut to the jaw. Cat left foot to the right, step left foot to the left front corner to a soft bow, left upward block, right uppercut to the jaw.

Adjust the right foot behind the left to a short soft bow with the knees touching, left arm covers over the right on the centerline, left down block as the right hand chambers, step back with the left to a short soft bow, right hand covers over the left on the centerline, right down block, step back right short soft bow, left hand covers over the right on the centerline, left down block. Turn soft bow facing the rear, right open hand covers the face, left hammer fist to the groin. Jump and do a 360 degree turn and land on the left foot in a soft bow, right hammerfist to the groin. Cross right over the left to 3:00 into a twist stance. Turn the upper body to face the front as you do a left backfist to 12:00 followed by a right whipping backfist to 12:00. Chamber the right hand as you do a left reverse punch. Step back right to a hard bow as you do a right reverse punch. Step up right foot to a horse as you do a left reverse punch.

Double tiger claw to the eyes and groin to the first opponent on the right side (right claw groin as the left claws the eyes). Double tiger claw rake the opponent on the left . Double tiger claw rake the opponent on the right. Double tiger claw rake the opponent on the left (On the final claw to the left, cat to the direction of the strike). Angled to the right front corner, do four consecutive 4 finger eye rakes, starting right then left, right then left again. Roll the hands down and chamber. Do double thumb eye shots as you hook the opponent's jaw with the fingertips and pull down to the left hip. Step the right foot to the right front corner into a hard bow as you do a butterfly palm to the jaw. Cat left foot to the right and chamber the hands on the right hip in the palm position. Step left foot to the left front corner into a hard bow as you do a butterfly palm to the jaw. Step up right foot to a side horse as you do a right head smash. Both arms circle down from right to left as the right leg sweeps from 12:00 to 6:00. Jump up and land in a twist stance facing 6:00. As you land in the twist stance do a double backfist strike to the floor (Turning the Handle). Adjust the left leg in a clockwise circle so that you end up facing the front in a neutral stance.

Simultaneously throw a right front snap kick and left reverse punch to 12:00. Set forward into a hard bow to 12:00 as you do a right reverse punch followed by a left reverse punch. Cat the left foot to the right as you chamber the hands on the right hip. Step left foot to the left front corner into a soft bow as you throw a left upward block followed by a right uppercut to the jaw. Cat the right foot to the left. Step the right foot to the right front corner into a soft bow, as you do a right upward block followed by a left uppercut to the jaw. Cat left foot to the right. Step the left foot to a soft bow to the right rear corner as you do a left upward block followed by a right uppercut to the jaw. Cat right foot to the left, step right foot to the left rear corner into a soft bow, right upward block, left uppercut to the jaw. Drop down to a deep soft bow as you do an overhead "X" block. Counter grab the wrist with your right hand as the left palm pressures to the elbow. Do a right dancer to 6:00 in a clockwise motion around the left so that you end up facing the front in a short soft bow. Do a left palm down. Cover with the right hand on top of the left on the centerline, drop left foot back to a short soft bow. Do a left palm down. Cover left hand on top of the right on the centerline, drop the left foot back to a short soft bow. Do a right palm down.

Step out right foot to 3:00 to a horse as you do a right backfist. Turn to a hard bow and do a left reverse punch. Step left foot through to a horse as you do a left backfist. Turn hard bow, right reverse punch. Step right through to a horse as you do right backfist. Turn hard bow as you do a left reverse punch. Step left through to a horse as you do a left backfist. Turn hard bow as you do a right reverse punch. Readjust the right foot slightly to 12:00 as you turn to a twist stance facing 9:00. Throw a right backfist and left whipping backfist (Chinese Swing). Step left through to a twist stance facing 9:00 as you do a Chinese Swing, repeat two more times. Do a right dancer in a clockwise motion behind the left to 9:00 as you do a right upward block. The left hand grabs the groin opponent's groin at 3:00. Step right foot out to a horse stance to 3:00. Do a right chop to the right side. Do a double tiger claw rake to the right side. Do a double tiger claw rake to the left. Proceed to do the third rake and cat the left foot in front of the right as the right arm circles overhead into the open left hand.

Bow out using the advanced Chinese Salutation.